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Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Genetic and non-genetic reasons for PKD

Introduction "Polycystic kidney disease treatment in ayurveda"!

What do you think can be the reasons behind the problems associated with your kidneys? Is it just diabetes or hypertension or some other reasons?

We can say that the reasons that lead to kidney problems can be of two types. First, it is those reasons that can be controlled, and the second type is those which are inherited, and we do not have any control over it.

In this blog, we will talk about both types of factors that lead to polycystic kidney disease. Also, we will be talking about the treatment of polycystic kidney disease and its treatment in Ayurveda.

Before moving forward, let us know in short what polycystic kidney disease is?

Polycystic kidney disease is a disorder caused by the flawed genes. The waste fluid comes together and forms cysts in the kidneys, and ends up to the enlarging its shape. The kidney loses all its function by time.

PKD due to flawed genes

Polycystic kidney disease can be classified into two types.

1. Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease
2. Autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease

Both the type of PKD are caused due to the flaws in the genes you get from your parents. There is a slight difference that makes these two types differ from each other.

The first type, autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease, is very common when it comes to inherited disease. It affects one out of every 500 sizes of the population. People are born with the condition of ADPKD, and it stays hidden unless the cysts inside the kidneys become large. You are likely to notice the symptoms when you reach the age of 30 or 60. At a certain stage, autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease can cause various problems that require treatment. These problems include pain in the abdomen, hematuria, high blood pressure, infections in the urinary tract, kidney stones, etc.

There are some faulty genes present in your body that prohibits the normal growth of kidney cells and make favorable conditions for the cyst development instead. If one of your genes from the two is faulty, then you can get ADPKD. The PKD 1 gene is responsible in 85% of cases, whereas the PKD2 gene is responsible in 15% cases. PKD1 is the more dangerous type of gene. If one of the parents of the child carries the faulty genes, the child is at a 50% risk of getting ADPKD.

The second type is Autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease, which is the rarer type of polycystic kidney disease. Both parents must carry the faulty genes only. Then this disease can be inherited. In this condition, you can notice the problems from an early age. Polycystic kidney disease treatment in Ayurveda is the best treatment available, ever. Though ARPKD is a rare disease, it occurs the most in the children. It does affect not only the kidneys of the children but also the liver. The growth is abnormal in the kidneys and liver of the child in ARPKD. The problem can turn serious right after the birth of the children or when he or she grows older. It can cause problems like improper development of lungs, hypertension, excess urination, problems related to the blood flow, etc.

It may also lead to chronic kidney disease. One out of 20,000 children is born and suffering from this disease. Despite gender, it affects both the girl and the boy.

There are different treatments available for the treatment. It includes a ventilator that helps the air moving in and out of the body, medicines that will help you to treat high blood pressure, but Ayurveda is the best of all these options available. Polycystic kidney disease Ayurvedic treatment helps you with 100% authentic herbs that will do wonders for your kidneys.

Note: It is not always important that the genes are responsible for ADPKD every time. There are times when the history of your family’s health doesn’t even matter. There are 25% chances of such cases. The reason could be the untreated disease in any of your relatives, or if you ever have someone who died before the disease being diagnosed or treated. Sometimes the genes can be transferred from the affected person to his or her offspring eve4n if they did not get it inheritance.

PKD due to non-genetic reasons

There are situations when there is no genetic reason for polycystic kidney disease. The reason that could lead to PKD is as follows.

• If the person is suffering from chronic kidney disease already.
• If he or she has the condition of end-stage renal disease, people on dialysis are at major risk. If the dialysis period increases the chances of polycystic kidney disease also increases.
• Some conditions lead to the formation of cysts without any genetic reason. This can also cause the problem of polycystic kidney disease in humans.

The condition of cysts in kidneys differs from one person to another. It can also affect the person who is suffering from chronic kidney disease but not undergoing dialysis yet. And it can also affect the person who is on dialysis for more than six or more years. There is no specific factor that will determine cyst development in both two.

When a person is suffering from CKD already, his or her blood stockpile, all the metabolic waste, thus occurs. It is good if the waste gets treated by the process of dialysis, and if not, it turns into cysts and affects the whole body.

Polycystic kidney disease treatment in Ayurveda suggests that it is important to understand the cause of these cysts and treat the disease from the core. Herbs like Salvia, Palash, Chicory, Punnarnava, Gokshura, etc. are used to treat the cysts present in our kidneys and rejuvenate the dead cells of our kidneys.

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Can Ayurveda provide kidney treatment naturally?

Kidney diseases have become a concern for the whole world with a drastic increase in kidney patients number worldwide. Every year, more number of kidney patients and a higher mortality rate in kidney patients can be seen. Countries with sufficient dialysis and kidney transplant facilities have failed to put a halt to the mortality rate in kidney patients. So, kidney patients who can afford the high charges of dialysis and kidney transplant are not safe. Consequently, many top economies of the world are looking for the best cure to kidney problems; India hasn’t been untouched. India is investing in its healing programs that are influenced by the ancient healing system, Ayurveda. From the last few years, Ayurveda has proven to provide everlasting relief to kidney patients, and it’s safe as well. Ayurveda is a complete treatment that has made kidney treatment naturally possible. Before looking at different aspects of Ayurveda, let’s elaborate kidney problems and some associated factors!

Kidney disease; Causes, Symptoms, and diagnosis

Kidney disease is characterized by the impairment of kidneys’ function. As we all know, kidneys do several tasks that are blood filtration, excretion of wastes from the body, secretion of essential hormone for good growth of bones & red blood cell production, controlling blood pressure, maintaining body’s fluid level, and many more. These functions are essential for smooth functioning of the body; that’s why kidneys are considered essential organs in human anatomy.

When this pair of organs fall ill, many complications and symptoms can occur in the body and cause problems in the patient's survival. Kidney problems are progressive diseases that turn worse with the passing time.

Kidneys are the most adaptable organs in the body that perform their functions until they are damaged severely. That’s why kidney problems are asymptomatic in most cases, making it challenging to diagnose kidney problems in their mild or moderate damage phases. However, a patient experiences many severe kidney damage conditions; they are swelling in the body, loss of appetite, difficulty in concentration, problem in sleeping, weakness, fatigue, breath shortening, body itching, muscle cramping, etc. One should immediately contact an expert physical if he has any of these symptoms. If a physician suspects a person to have symptoms similar to kidney problems, he may suggest the patient undergo some laboratory tests. Urinalysis and some blood sampling tests are the primary tests that indicate any kidney problem. Moreover, Screening tests and Biopsy are conducted to detect kidneys’ condition accurately.

If the tests confirm that your kidneys have damaged and lost their functionality, choosing the best kidney disease treatment in Ayurveda can prove to be helpful.

How is Ayurveda beneficial in kidney treatment?

Ayurveda is a natural treatment program that targets the core causes to provide a permanent cure. In kidney disease treatment, this treatment applies its same ancient healing principle and helps provide permanent relief.

Ayurveda utilizes certain medicines, ancient therapies with some lifestyle alterations to target the body's disturbed core for kidney problems. Consequently, this treatment rectifies the disturbed core and normalizes it to restore kidneys’ health naturally. Simultaneously, this natural treatment also lessens kidney disease complications naturally. Suggesting a customized set of natural cure and care, Ayurvedic provides the best kidney treatment naturally, that’s free from any risk or side-effects. Eventually, this treatment revives and rejuvenates kidneys’ health naturally and makes them healthy and well-working again.

Opt for the best Ayurvedic kidney disease treatment if you are looking for kidney treatment naturally.

Friday, November 27, 2020

Kidney disease treatment in Ayurveda: The Most Effective Medicinal Way!


In this competitive era, most people fail to pay attention to their health in lack of time or prioritize other factors over health. Consequently, it is seen that they are getting different kinds of health diseases; kidney disease is the most common one. There are numerous causes of kidney diseases that can affect kidneys very severely. Identifying at early stages makes the treatment process less complicated, and kidney disease treatment in Ayurveda is proven to treat kidney diseases permanently.


In this fast-paced and busy era, most people do not have enough time to pay attention to their health or prioritize it. As a result, they are getting different kinds of health diseases; one of the common types of health diseases is kidney disorders. Unhealthy eating habits, lack of physical exercise, and insufficient sleep are the primary reasons behind many health problems. Kidney disease treatment in Ayurveda is turned out to be the best solution for all sorts of kidney diseases.

Many people are affected by kidney diseases these days. There are various types of kidneys diseases, and some of the major ones are:

• Chronic kidney disease- is a kind of health condition in which the kidneys gradually lose their functioning ability. In the final stage of this disease, the condition may progress to kidney failure.
• Acute Kidney Disease- It is a health condition that suddenly hits kidneys and may become incapable of carrying out their functions.
• Polycystic Kidney Disease- In this disease, many fluid-filled cysts grow inside the kidneys and enlarge the kidney, along with damaging kidney cells.
• Nephrotic Syndrome Disease- This condition is a bunch of symptoms that include protein in the urine, low blood protein levels in the blood, high cholesterol levels, blood clots, swelling, etc.
• Proteinuria- When the kidneys become incapable of filtering blood, they lose filtration, and excess protein leaks through urine. The condition is known as Proteinuria.

Signs of Kidney Disorder

After becoming aware of some significant kidney diseases, you should also know about the symptoms that appear when your kidneys are diseased. Providing below some of the common signs indicating you are affected with kidney diseases:

• Uncomfortable sleep
• Swelling in different body parts
• Nausea & Vomiting
• Itching & Dryness
• Breath Shortness
• Muscle Cramps
• Urinary problem

Primary Causes of Kidney Disorders

It is imperative to know the causes of Kidney diseases as if you work on treating the causes, and it is apparent that it will help you stay away from severe kidney diseases if you get the proper treatment for the causes earlier.

1) Diabetes: It is a severe health condition in which the blood glucose level goes high. If the condition remains constant for long, it affects kidneys severely, and it is known as the primary cause of kidney diseases.
2) High Blood Pressure: In this condition, the blood pressure in the vessels increases, causing the kidneys problem to accomplish their tasks.
3) Immune System diseases:  Immune mechanism is also found to be responsible for some kidney diseases.
4) Long-term illness: Any long-term illness such as heart disease or liver disease may also cause kidney diseases.
5) Urinary tract infections: Infection in the urinary tract is one of the significant causes of kidney disease.
6) Using NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs): Some nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are found to be very harmful to the kidney's health. Using them without a doctor's prescription can cause severe kidney disorder.

These are some of the factors which are found to be responsible for kidney diseases in many patients.

What is the most suitable treatment method for kidney diseases?

In the allopathic medicinal system, one can get medications for different kinds of kidney diseases. For major kidney diseases in which kidneys' functions get affected, doctors recommend dialysis, and for kidney failure, organ transplant is the only way to survive according to the Allopathic treatment method. However, this treatment method does not cure kidney diseases of their root causes. In other words, you can say it is not a permanent solution.

When it comes to a permanent solution, Ayurveda is the first name that comes into mind. It is a complete medicinal science that holds properties to cure all sorts of diseases, including kidney disorders, with natural herbs used in their purest form. Also, Ayurveda believes there is a massive impact on our eating habits and lifestyle over our health. As a result, it suggests that patients adopt a healthy eating regimen and yoga stances to heal disease and stay healthy longer. This is why it is called a complete science, and kidney disease treatment in Ayurveda has proved very effective in curing different kinds of kidney disorders.

Thursday, November 12, 2020

Ayurveda: a natural and the best kidney treatment


Kidney diseases are the condition in which these organs' natural functioning ability gets affected. This pair of organs performs many functions, mainly cleaning the blood by eliminating toxins, wastes, and excess fluid from it and also maintaining blood pressure. Additionally, these organs perform several functions that are essential for the human body.

Usually, a healthy person has a couple of kidneys in their body located on either side of the spine above the waist.

Whenever your kidneys are damaged, or their functions are impaired, wastes and toxins can buildup in the body. Abnormally increasing wastes levels in the body, many health complications can take place. The best Ayurveda kidney treatment naturally is the most efficient method to overcome kidney problems.

Swelling in some body parts, nausea, weakness, continuous tiredness, insufficient sleep or sleeping problems, breath shortness, and muscle cramping are some common symptoms that appear in kidney disease.

How can kidney problems arise?

These days, poor lifestyle has become the core cause of most health problems, directly or indirectly, it is also responsible for kidney diseases. Apart from that, diabetes and high blood pressure are the two major causes of kidney diseases; around 70-80% of kidney patients have diabetes or hypertension as the causative factor.

Additionally, intake of pain killers or other over-the-counter medicines, dehydration, family history of kidney disease, urinary tract infection, low blood flow to the kidneys, illegal drug abuse, or any autoimmune disease can also affect your kidneys’ health. When kidneys become weak, they lose their functioning ability. If you choose kidney treatment naturally in India, it can help you get rid of all your kidney problems.

Is it possible to prevent kidney problems?

If it comes to the prevention of kidney problems, it’s easier than curing kidney disease. By making some lifestyle changes, you can keep your kidneys healthy for longer and thus can prevent kidney diseases.

• Get sufficient sleep
• Take sufficient water
• Follow a healthy diet
• Avoid drinking and smoking
• Limit your protein intake
• Maintain an ideal body weight
• Control your blood pressure and sugar level
• Don't take medicines without a doctor's prescription

By following such practices, you can attain and maintain good health. Along with kidneys, these habits also help to keep many other body organs healthy. Along with these tips, one should also take routine health checkups to help detect even a minor health problem in its early phase.

Following these tips consistently, you can keep kidney problems at bay.

What if kidneys have damaged, either partially or entirely?

Now, the question arises what if your kidneys’ have damaged! In this situation, no preventive measures can be helpful, and opting for the best treatment is the only solution. It’s the most challenging condition that demands an ideal treatment before it’s too late. It means a kidney problem should be treated before it progresses to kidney failure, as treating kidney failure is more challenging and complicated than kidney problems in their early phases.

Due to the availability of numerous kidney disease treatment systems, kidney patients are confused about opting for the most suitable cure for their problem. People are mainly obsessed with modern healing methods, so they take Allopathy as their first treatment choice. But in recent times, it is observed that Ayurveda or kidney treatment naturally can work wonder.

What treatment can completely help cure kidney problems?

If it comes to kidney disease treatment, Allopathy, modern healing science, is considered the most effective cure for kidney diseases, but it’s not entirely true. This conventional healing system has a limitation as it works only on the disease's complications and doesn’t even take a look at the origin or the root causes. In kidney disease, it has the same treatment methodology to apply. Therefore, it can only manage the complications of kidney problems but can’t reverse the damage that has already taken place in your kidneys. In other words, this advanced treatment can only slow the progression rate of the kidney problem but can’t improve the damaged section.

Allopathic uses dialysis with some medicines, and in severe kidney problems, it conducts kidney transplant surgery. Be it Allopathic medicines or dialysis, many severe complications are associated with this treatment. So, one should not take it as the best kidney disease treatment.

On the other hand, if we talk about Ayurvedic treatment or kidney treatment naturally in India, it’s a way better treatment than Allopathy or any other modern healing methods for kidney problems. This natural healing science can restore even the damaged body section using the remarkable efficacy of natural treatment.

Along with sacred herbs, some natural therapies are also an indispensable part of Ayurvedic treatment. Above all, this natural treatment works on the root causes of kidney problems, and therefore, it aims to eliminate the origin of the problem and restores kidneys’ health. So, the best Ayurveda kidney treatment naturally offers a permanent cure to all your kidney problems and makes your kidneys healthy again. The best part of this treatment is that it doesn’t leave any side-effects on your health as it uses only unrefined herbs and natural therapies.

After following the best Ayurveda kidney treatment naturally, you can naturally get relieved from all your health complications.

Choose a reliable Ayurvedic kidney disease hospital to obtain kidney treatment naturally in India.

Saturday, November 7, 2020

Nephrotic vs Nephritic Syndrome: Differences explained!

This article explains some important differences between nephrotic and nephritic syndrome.

Nephrotic syndrome develops when the damage to the glomeruli results in massive protein loss and generalized edema. It can be caused by a variety of conditions in adults, such as amyloidosis, systemic lupus erythematosus, focal segmental glomerulosclerosis, diabetes, etc. It is also caused by minimal change disease. Over time, nephrotic syndrome results in high blood pressure stimulating the kidneys to produce more renin. Unfortunately, the adrenal glands release more aldosterone to retain more sodium and water, which further adds to swelling in the body.

Nephritic syndrome is inflammation of the glomeruli and overall impaired kidney function. The most common cause of the nephritic syndrome is immunoglobulin nephropathy or IgA nephropathy.  Although some other causes also allow blood loss, include postinfectious glomerulonephritis and lupus nephritis. Nephritic syndrome is characterized by too low urine output, hypertension, and hematuria.  Hematuria is the major aspect of nephritic syndrome. Although edema is also present in nephritic syndrome, it is not a compulsion. Increased BUN and creatinine and red blood cells also come along with the nephritic syndrome.

About Nephrotic syndrome
Nephrotic syndrome is a condition that delineates significant loss of protein from the blood. The absence of a protein called albumin from the blood is characterized by a condition called hypoalbuminemia. The definition of the nephrotic syndrome includes both proteinuria, more than 3.5g per day, and hypoalbuminemia (less than 30 g/L).

Albumin is a protein that prevents fluid from skipping or running into the cells and tissues. In the absence of albumin, more fluid stays in the cells, leading to high blood pressure over time and perhaps the reason for a sudden increase in weight. Hypoalbuminemia is also associated with the risk of swelling or edema (due to a decrease in oncotic pressure). It can be life-threatening if protein loss is not controlled at the right time with the nephrotic syndrome ayurvedic medicine. The treatment ensures improvement in the kidney’s filters so that you can get better.

• Peripheral edema
• Facial edema, puffiness around the eyes
• Frothiness of urine
• Fatigue
• Poor appetite
• Recurrent infections as triggered by immune dysfunction
• Venous or arterial thrombosis due to hypercoagulability
• Shortness of breath
• Frothy appearance
• Smelly urine
• Lipiduria
• Xanthelasma and/or xanthoma

Nephritic syndrome
Nephritic syndrome is a condition that involves hematuria mainly, while moderate proteinuria is also visible. Nephritic syndrome is typically less than 3.5g/L/day protein loss.

• Haematuria (can be microscopic or gross hematuria)
• Edema (lesser than nephrotic syndrome)
• Reduced urine output
• Nonspecific symptoms (such as reduced appetite, fatigue, nausea, muscle cramps)
• Less urine output, typically less than 300mls/day

Since nephrotic and nephritic syndrome both impute to impaired kidney function, you may need treatment for Nephritic or Nephrotic syndrome ayurvedic treatment. The treatment applies to improve the filters within and soothes any inflammation. The ayurvedic treatment strengthens the kidneys and no specific part of the kidneys. Taking this treatment also ensures the detoxifications of the renal. Often, untreated nephrotic or nephritic syndrome leads to chronic kidney disease if you do not take treatment for three months. So, treatment is necessary to ensure proper kidney function.

To get your treatment, call the best doctor in the town, Doctor Puneet Dhawan. For years, he has been working on ayurvedic remedies to nourish the body with only means of Ayurveda. Get in touch with him now.

All you should know about chronic kidney disease

Chronic kidney disease is a withstanding problem that primarily generates when your kidneys are not functional for a long time. It is chronic in nature, which means the condition has been there in your body for more than three months. It takes time to develop chronic kidney disease, and further progression of disease into the different stages is a bit slow. This means you have enough time to manage your CKD, but that does not imply you should be careless or overlook your problem.

Chronic kidney disease leads to complete renal failure in the later stages, and the last stage is life-threatening, and you need dialysis to perform some of the functions of the kidneys.  However, dialysis is not an exact cure for impaired kidney function, while the only permanent solution is chronic kidney disease treatment in Ayurveda. Ayurvedic treatment helps to revive the damaged filters and stimulate the function. Also, the ayurvedic herbs tend to channelize the energy in the most profound way. The treatment helps to ensure urine production so that waste is eliminated naturally without any burden on the kidneys. So, the focus is not only on the kidneys rather on the overall health improvement.

What happens when chronic kidney failure develops?

Chronic kidney disease implies the kidney’s filtration process is obstructed, and the kidneys are not able to squander the waste as they should. Result? Dangerous waste and fluid level in the bloodstream. In addition, the heart and the other organs receiving toxic blood for their functioning. Often, chronic kidney disease results in heart failure over time, or if not, the complications in themselves are too severe to survive.

Some of the common complications that may develop with respect to chronic kidney disease include:

• Gout
• Anemia
• Metabolic acidosis
• Bone disease and high phosphorus
• Heart disease
• High potassium (hyperkalemia)
• Fluid buildup
• Acute kidney failure

What are the causes of chronic kidney disease?

There are multiple causes of kidney disease, and you are at risk if you have:

Diabetes: It is the leading cause of chronic kidney disease. High blood sugar causes the vessels in your kidneys to damage over time. Almost one in three suffers from diabetes mellitus or diabetes chronic kidney disease.

High blood pressure: High blood pressure is the second leading cause of chronic kidney disease. Like diabetes, hypertension also damages the nephrons and glomeruli in your kidneys. Note that hypertension is the reason, as well as the cause of chronic kidney disease.

Heart disease: Kidney disease imputes to heart disease and vice-versa. People with heart disease are at risk of chronic kidney disease and so you are at risk. Also, if your kidneys are not healthy, probably your heart is not working healthy too.

A family history of kidney disease: If anyone in your blood, be it your mother, father, sister, bro, has an instance of kidney disease in the past, probably you are at risk. Kidney disease tends to run in families. Go for weekly diagnostic tests (annually) if this is the case with you. Your chances of having kidney disease increase with age.

For the longer you have had diabetes, high blood pressure, or heart disease, likely are the risks of chronic kidney disease.  There are some ways through which you can treat CKD, such as chronic kidney disease treatment in Ayurveda.

What are the symptoms of CKD?

Perhaps, you may not have prominent signs in the early stages of chronic kidney disease. Some people may have chronic kidney disease and still feel fine, while others may feel sick in the initial stages only. This is because our kidneys are highly adaptable to do their function even when unhealthy.

So, the exact way to know your kidney function is to get it checked with blood and urine tests. As kidney disease gets worse, the fluid level in the blood may rise, and you may have:

• Edema in the legs, feet, ankles, face, and eyes
• Chest Pain
• Dry Skin
• Itching or Numbness
• Feeling Tired
• Headaches
• Increased or Decreased Urination
• Loss of Appetite
• Muscle Cramps
• Nausea
• Shortness of Breath
• Sleep Problems
• Trouble Concentrating
• Vomiting
• Weight Loss
• Anemia
• Malnutrition
• Bone disease

How can CKD affect your routine life?

Many people think that kidney disease means you need dialysis. However, most people do not need dialysis and can live healthily. Chronic kidney disease in the early stages can still be managed with the help of a diet and lifestyle changes. Along with this, you can also take Ayurvedic treatment for chronic kidney disease. Spend your time with family and friends, stay physically active, and do yoga and meditation. You may need to change what you eat and add healthy habits to your daily routine to help you protect your kidneys.

Does the kidney get better?

Kidney disease is a progressive condition, which means they progress over time, and the damage can be permanent if you do not follow a healthy diet and change your habits, such as quit smoking and alcohol. You can take steps to protect the kidneys, such as keep a check on your blood pressure and blood sugar if you have diabetes.

What are the benefits of choosing Ayurvedic treatment for proteinuria?

Proteinuria is characterized by abnormally high protein levels in the urine. Ayurvedic treatment medicine for proteinuria is the best way to get rid of these problems.

Protein is an essential component in the blood that binds the necessary substances in the blood and doesn’t allow the fluid to leak into cells and tissues.

Kidneys regulate the protein level as they keep the necessary protein amount in the blood while transporting other protein to the urine. But when the glomeruli in the kidneys are not healthy, most of the filtration tasks are affected; consequently, these kidney filters lose their ability to hold the essential protein levels in the bloodstream. So, there may rise in the level of protein present in your blood.

In some cases, high protein presence in urine occurs due to stress, high protein intake, high fever, cold exposure, etc. In these conditions, no specific treatment is required. But when one experiences foamy urine for long, a kidney problem may be the reason behind it. Treating the kidney problem is the key to cure proteinuria efficiently.

Are home remedies helpful in proteinuria?

In order to reduce protein levels in the urine, some home remedies and diet changes can be helpful. A few of those are:

• Include a variety of grains, legumes, vegetables, and fruits in your diet.
• Reduce your salt intake.
• Avoid or limit drinking.
• Do meditation to keep stress at bay.
• Limit protein intake, especially red meat.
• Manage blood pressure and blood sugar level.

These tips can be helpful if there is a little rise in protein levels in the urine. But if you have significantly high protein levels in the urine, these tips may not be beneficial as you also require Ayurvedic treatment for proteinuria along with.

Before taking treatment for proteinuria, the nephrologists suggest some tests detect the abnormal protein levels in the blood and urine. Blood tests and Urine tests are the primary tests that help to determine the amount of protein present in the blood and urine, respectively. If both the tests' reports have an abnormal value of protein, then a few more tests are conducted further. Renal Biopsy or Screening tests are the medical tests tell if abnormal protein level is the consequence of any kidney disease. At this medical condition, Ayurvedic treatment to stop protein leakage can help neutralize the level of this essential substance in your blood.

What’s the best cure for proteinuria?

If you are facing proteinuria complications, choosing Ayurvedic treatment medicine for proteinuria can turn to be a panacea. Ayurveda is a natural science that encompasses good know-how of a plethora of herbs, few therapies, and some lifestyle changes. The natural treatment processes and medications help eliminate kidney complications and also revive their health. As a result, this holistic treatment makes your kidneys healthy again to stop protein leakage naturally.

In simple words, Ayurvedic treatment to stop protein leakage is a natural way to get rid of problems that occur due to high protein loss from the blood in the urine. This natural treatment doesn’t have any side effects as it utilizes only natural herbs and therapies that are free from risks and any side effects.

If you opt for a modern treatment system, it can only manage your problem but can’t help get rid of it forever. Additionally, there are many severe hazards associated with Allopathic treatment.

Find the best Ayurvedic treatment medicine for proteinuria from a reliable Ayurvedic kidney hospital if you want a permanent cure to this problem.

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